2013 Fender S-1 Switching Changes
There have been reports of some new switching changes for the 2013 series Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster S-1 switching system. The Fender website is still showing the same wiring as found on the 2010 series of American Deluxe Stratocaster but some people have gotten a new S-1 swtiching diagram with their 2013 Deluxe Stratocasters. If…
The Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster S-1 Switching System
One of the biggest improvements on the Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster is the versatile S-1TMSwitching System. The S-1 Switching System solves a problem that has plagued Strat players. For years Strat players have been looking for additional sounds out of the 3-pickup configuration featured on the Stratocaster. The search began with the very first production…